Version History
Catrinity 2.15: N’Ko (2025-01-25)
- Arabic (symbols)
- NKo
- Private Use Area: Geometric Shapes and Technical Symbols Appendix (colored large circles)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Symbols And Pictographs Appendix

Catrinity Flags 1.04: Belgium, Netherlands and Germany (2024-12-30)
- The three regions and ten provinces of Belgium (BE), plus the German-speaking Community
- The sixteen states (Bundesländer) of Germany (DE), plus three recognized minorities
- The twelve provinces of the Netherlands (NL)

Catrinity 2.14: Shavian, Christmas and Families (2024-12-22)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area: MUFI-CYFI Compatibility (six punctuation marks)
- Shavian
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Safety Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: GMail Emoji Compatibility (Thin Face)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Symbols And Pictographs Appendix
- Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Custom Emoji
OpenType features:
- 'ccmp' now also combines people emoji into families and couples, allowing more than 100,000 combinations. See for details.
- 'sinf' (Scientific Inferiors)
- 'ss01' (Stylistic Set 01) for dotted zeroes

Catrinity 2.13: Bidirectional Mirroring (2024-10-31)
This version implements the 'rtlm' (Right-to-left Mirrored Forms) feature which mirrors many neutral characters (mostly brackets and mathematical operators) when the text is running from right to left. For many of them an appropriate mirrored glyph already exists in Unicode and in Catrinity. For all the others, a mirrored version is provided in the new block Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Mirrored Glyphs. Note that these new mirrored glyphs are also affected by 'rtlm' so that they will always appear ‘backwards’ in both left-to-right and right-to-left texts.

On a side note, I will be travelling for almost the entire month of November, so the next update is going to take much longer than usual.
Catrinity 2.12: Legacy Computing (2024-09-30)
New characters in:
- Arabic Extended-B (Arabic Pepet*)
- Cyrillic Extended-C (Khanty letter Tje)
- General Punctuation (Variation Sequences for fullwidth quotation marks)
- Control Pictures
- Dingbats (Airplane)
- Latin Extended-D (Unicode 16.0 additions for Eastern Dan, Luiseño, Wakashan and Salishan)
- Private Use Area: Geometric Shapes and Technical Symbols Appendix (Black frowning face)
- Arabic Extended-C (Unicode 16.0 additions for Pegon*)
- Symbols For Legacy Computing Supplement
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs (Alien monster)
- Transport And Map Symbols (Airplanes)
- Supplemental Arrows-C
- Symbols And Pictographs Extended-A (Face with bags under eyes)
- Symbols For Legacy Computing
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Block Elements Appendix
* Note that Arabic combining and form shaping does not work in applications that are not also already updated to Unicode 16.0.

Catrinity 2.11: Custom Emoji (2024-09-07)
New characters in:
- Mathematical Operators (ligatures for encircled AND and OR)
- Private Use Area: Mathematical Symbols Appendix (n-ary operators)
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Emoticons (ligatures for shaking faces)
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs
- Symbols And Pictographs Extended-A (Face With Peeking Eye)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Symbols And Pictographs Appendix
- Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Custom Emoji

- U+1F926 FACE PALM has been changed to a person facepalming (plus gender and skintone variants), and U+1F92A GRINNING FACE WITH ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALL EYE has been changed to zany face. The originals are now found in Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Symbols And Pictographs Appendix.
- Globes and moons have been enlarged to common emoji size.
- Some other emoji were aligned in size, recolored or slightly redesigned for better recognizability.

Using the Custom Emoji components, you can now create thousands of own emoji variants. Note that, apart from the base shapes provided in the Custom Emoji block, you can also start with any other character that has the same width as U+25EF LARGE CIRCLE, including all face emoji, globes, clock faces, zodiac symbols, and all flags from Catrinity Flags.

Catrinity 2.10: Combining Strokes and Standard Galactic (2024-07-30)
New characters in:
- Combining Diacritical Marks
- Private Use Area: Standard Galactic (known from Commander Keen, also used as enchantment runes in Minecraft)
- Private Use Area: Geometric Shapes and Technical Symbols Appendix (Standard Taper symbol)
- Combining Half Marks (Macrons for Coptic only)
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs (medals)
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs (medals)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Shidinn (additional letters Nguounz-Rra and Senz-Dde)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Combining Strokes

Catrinity 2.09: Maritime Signal Flags (2024-05-20)
New characters in:
- Runic (more Anglo-Saxon bindrunes)
- Private Use Area: Geometric Shapes And Technical Symbols Appendix (Flag shapes and heraldic patterns)
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Transport And Map Symbols (Wheel and Ring Buoy)
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs (Troll)
- Symbols And Pictographs Extended-A
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Maritime Signal Flags
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Symbols And Pictographs Appendix (Face With Tinfoil Hat and Broken Lock)
Other changes:
- Removed the artificial distinction between Runic letters Ansuz and Aesc
- The Open Lock looked broken instead of opened. It has been redesigned, and the Broken Lock is now available as an extra private use character.
- Several minor fixes

Catrinity 2.08: Vai (2024-04-20)
This version adds the complete Vai block.

Catrinity Flags 1.03: United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Pakistan (2024-02-25)
- The seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates (AE)
- The thirteen states and three federal territories of Malaysia (MY)
- The seven aministrative units of Pakistan (PK)

Catrinity 2.07: Ewellic and Solresol (2024-02-10)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area: Ewellic
- Private Use Area: Solresol
Also updated the Panose numbers which help with classification, choice and sorting of different fonts.

Catrinity Flags 1.02: United States of America (2024-01-04)
- All 50 states
- District of Columbia
- Icon for regions or territories without flag (similar to the one used in Wikipedia)

Catrinity 2.06: Glagolitic (2023-12-06)
New characters in:
- Glagolitic
- Glagolitic Supplement
Also changed many Cherokee letters to more common forms.

Catrinity 2.05: Polyhedral Dice (2023-10-26)
New characters in:
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Polyhedral Dice
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Safety Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Pictographs Appendix

Catrinity 2.04: Ath (2023-10-17)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area: Ath
- Many encircled and emoji/text variants in several blocks
- New chess pieces in Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Chess Symbols Appendix
- Position-dependent forms for Arabic tatweels
Other changes:
- Revised several Elbasan glyphs
- Added missing italic forms for Cyrillic letters in the PUA
- Several minor fixes

Catrinity 2.03: Phonetic Diacritics and Emoji/Text variants (2023-09-09)
New characters and features:
- Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
- Instructed many phonetic letters for use with diacritics
- Many ligatures and precomposed characters (mostly for Teuthonista)
- Several new symbols in Private Use Area: Mathematical Symbols Appendix (three-legged pi) and Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Enclosed Alphanumerics Appendix
- Private Use Variation Selectors (intended for non-standard variation sequences, see below)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Control Pictures Appendix-B (visible symbols for varation selectors 17 – 256 and for 16 private use variation selectors)

Also, a lot more of the characters with both a text and an emoji variant now support both:
- For many emoji, text variants have been added and vice versa.
- The default presentation is now in accordance with the standard. This means that the default has changed for some characters, and you may have to add variation selectors in existing documents if you want them to look as before.
- You may also use the new OpenType feature “Access all alternates” ('aalt'). If your editing program supports it, it lets you choose the preferred variant of each character individually.
- In cases where Catrinity has text/emoji variants, but there is no standardized variation sequence (i.e. it is not valid to apply VS15 or VS16), the new Private Use Variation Selectors can be used if the 'aalt' selection is not available. Please note that, like all other private use characters, these only work with Catrinity and should not be used for messages that the recipient may view using a different font.
- As a last resort, there is also “Standardized Variants” in the Supplementary Private Use Area-A and a new block “Glyph Variants” in the Supplementary Private Use Area-B. These are the least recommended way to access the variant glyphs.
The following new text glyphs have been added:

And new emoji variants:

Please note:
- Some more variants are going to be added in future versions, e.g. emoji for the zodiac symbols.
- Catrinity still uses colored glyphs for some non-emoji characters, mostly in the context of games (e.g. chess pieces, dominos, playing cards).
Catrinity 2.02: Elbasan and Caucasian Albanian (2023-07-03)
New characters in:
- Elbasan
- Caucasian Albanian

Catrinity Flags 1.01: Dependent islands and states of Somalia (2023-06-08)
New flags with ISO codes:
- Updated flags of Afghanistan and Martinique (the old ones are still available as historical flags in the SPUA-A)
- Several flags of dependencies that have both an own two-letter country code and a subdivision code can now be accessed both ways (e.g. both MQ and FR-MQ stand for Martinique)
- Sark (CQ)
- Barbuda (AG-10)
- Nevis (KN-N)
- Azores (PT-20) and Madeira (PT-30)
- Saint Helena (SH-HL)
- Johnston Atoll (UM-67), Midway Atoll (UM-71) and Wake Island (UM-79)
New flags in the Supplementary Private Use Area-A:
- Rapa Nui / Easter Island (part of Chile)
- Alderney and Herm (part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey)
- Several islands and groups of islands in French Polynesia
- Casamance (southern part of Sénégal, not an island)
- The six new states of Somalia
- Zanzibar, part of Tanzania

Catrinity 2.01: Cyrillic Extensions (2023-05-11)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area: CYFI Compatibility
- Private Use Area: Cyrillic Extended Appendix
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Number Forms Appendix (Bibi-binary)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Hanafuda (additional months and Hwatu jokers)
Also replaced the bold Fraktur letters with a different style based on the Theuerdank typeface (since bold was never really a thing in Fraktur and did not look very good).

Catrinity 2.00: Control Pictures (2023-03-31)
- New characters in Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Control Pictures Appendix
- New variation sequences for the text presentation of the heavy operators and punctuation that are displayed as emoji by default
- Bolder and rounder glyphs for emoji numbers, operators and punctuation
- Better placement of ogonek on many Latin letters
- Removed country flags (these are now available as an extra font)

Catrinity Flags 1.00 (2023-03-31)
From now on the flag emoji (or rather “country buttons” in Catrinity’s style) are provided as a separate font with its own documentation. There are several reasons for this:
- Fonts are limited to 65.536 glyphs. This means that one complete Unicode font is not possible, and an eventual split-up is inevitable.
- While Catrinity is currently nowhere close to reaching this limit (less than 18.000 glyphs in version 2.00), it is not as far away as it seems to be. It is better to consider this issue early and make senseful cuts so that each of the resulting fonts still has room for future additions.
- The flag emoji require a disproportional amount of both glyphs (around 890 glyphs for around 290 flags) and file size (around 25% of Catrinity’s entire size). This is due to the facts that colored characters require one glyph per color layer, and the shapes used in flags can be unusually complex. This, combined with the fact that they are amongst the most infrequently used emoji, makes them the (currently) most obvious candidates to be moved out of the main font.
- This also helps keeping the color palette of Catrinity at a reasonable size since flags use a lot of different colors, while other emoji can (and should) stick to a consistent color scheme.
- Even more importantly, flag emoji also do not need a lot of interaction with other characters or glyphs, e.g. no mark positioning or contextual variation. So this will not cause nearly as many technical problems as running out of space for marks, ligatures etc. would do.
Catrinity Flags starts with all the flags that were included in Catrinity before, plus:
- Better handling of historical, reserved, invalid and user-defined ISO codes (see the new documentation for details)
- Outdated flags with still reserved ISO Codes:
- Ascension Island (AC, now part of SH)
- Netherlands Antilles (AN)
- Serbia and Montenegro (CS)
- Tristan da Cunha (TA, now part of SH)
- Yugoslavia (YU)
- Zaïre (ZR, now CD)
- Cabinda, part of Angola (AO-CAB)
- The nine subdivisions (Bundesländer) of Austria (AT)
- Bonaire (BQ-BO), Sint Eustatius (BQ-SE) and Saba (BQ-SA)
- The four states of the Federation of Micronesia (FM)
- The autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan (IQ-KR)
- The three subdivisions of the Comoros (KM)
- Eleven supernational organizations without ISO codes in the Supplementary Private Use Area-A

Catrinity 1.25: Alchemical Symbols (2023-02-27)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area: Various Symbols
- Alchemical Symbols
Other changes:
- Local forms for superscript and subscript be for Serbian and Macedonian
- Instructed Ancient Greek Musical Notation characters for common diacritical marks that are placed below the base characters
- Changed some Cherokee letters to remove ascenders and descenders
- Changed Kirghiz Oe to the more common loop form
- Corrected digraphs with Hamza
- Corrected an erroneous Braille pattern glyph

Catrinity 1.24: Bindrunes (2023-01-25)
New characters in:
- Runic (bindrunes)
- Private Use Area: MUFI Compatibility-B
- Private Use Area: Runic Appendix
- Private Use Area: Alphabetic Presentation Forms Appendix
- Private Use Area: MUFI-CYFI Compatibility
- Private Use Area: MUFI-SIL Compatibility
Other changes:
- Changed several Runic glyphs for more consistent appearance
- Ligatures and italic forms for lenis f
- Many minor issues fixed

Catrinity 1.23: American scripts and numbers (2022-12-12)
- Changed many glyphs for Carrier and Sayisi (cf. L2/21-088)
- Deseret
- Kaktovik Numerals
- Mayan Numerals

Catrinity 1.22: Enclosed letters and symbols (2022-11-11)
U+20E3 COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP now works with more base characters from the following blocks:
- Basic Latin
- Latin-1 Supplement (multiply and divide)
- Arrows
- Mathematical Operators (minus)
- Miscellaneous Technical
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Arrows (tab)
- Private Use Area: Biblos Compatibility
- Private Use Area: Kreative Compatibility
- Private Use Area: Technical Symbols Appendix
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Control Pictures Appendix-A
Also there are new characters in:
- Letterlike Symbols (information source with combining enclosing circle)
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Private Use Area: Technical Symbols Appendix (licence symbols)
- Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Transport And Map Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Enclosed Alphanumerics Appendix
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Safety Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: GMail Emoji Compatibility
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Pictographs Appendix

Also changed Shidinn capital letter Xom-Xhyi to look like Q.
Catrinity 1.21: Mathematical symbols (2022-09-29)
New characters in:
- Letterlike Symbols (variants of capital script letters)
- Private Use Area: Mathematical Symbols Appendix (turned pi)
- Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (variants of capital script letters)
- Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Mathematical Alphanumerics Appendix

Other changes:
- Some diacritica are now placed next to each other instead of above in Greek and Cyrillic (namely attested combinations of psili, dasia, oxia, varia and payerok)
- Accented Greek capital vowel letters now look consistent whether there is a precomposed form in Greek Extended or not
- Instructed Mathematical bold italic, script, bold script, fraktur and double-struck letters for use with all common diacritica
Catrinity 1.20: Symbols (2022-08-28)
New characters in:
- Tibetan (symbols only)
- Letterlike Symbols (new ligature for info screen)
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Dingbats (curly loops)
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Arrows
- Private Use Area: Various Symbols
- Private Use Area: Geometric Shapes And Technical Symbols Appendix
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplemental Arrows-C (ligatures for arrow screens)
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Miscellaneous Game Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Pictographs Appendix
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Divine Symbols

Also fixed some issues and revised several Coptic letters for more consistent appearance.
Catrinity 1.19: Shidinn (2022-07-27)
- Instructed all Armenian letters, mathematical italics and Osage vowels for use with common diacritics
- Better glyphs for Georgian An
- New characters in Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Shidinn

Catrinity 1.18: Updates & fixes (2022-07-01)
- Moved some characters from the Private Use Area to their new Unicode 15.0 codepoints
- Added missing italic forms for some (mostly Cyrillic) letters
- Tagalog now supports doubled vowel signs
- More consistent appearance of precomposed letters vs. base letters + marks
- Contour tones are now joined
- Added ‘rlig’ feature for required ligatures
- Added ‘calt’ feature for contextual alternatives (slanted shadda)
- Revised many glyphs
- Many more issues fixed
Revised characters:

New characters in:
- Cyrillic (numeral ligature for Ы billions)
- Arabic (Kashmiri Yeh)
- Latin Extended-G
- Cyrillic Extended-D
- Transport And Map Symbols (Wireless, moved from PUA)
- Alchemical Symbols (Astronomy symbols only, partly moved from PUA)
- Geometric Shapes Extended (Nine-Pointed Star, moved from PUA)
- Symbols And Pictographs Extended-A (three new colored hearts)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Safety Symbols (Chemical Weapon Hazard)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Arabic Presentation Forms Appendix

Catrinity 1.17: Extended Arabic (2022-06-04)
New characters in:
- Arabic
- Arabic Supplement
- Arabic Extended-B
- Arabic Extended-A
- Arabic Presentation Forms-A
- Supplementary Private Use Area-B: Arabic Presentation Forms Appendix

Catrinity 1.16: Basic Arabic (2022-04-18)
This version adds the basic letters needed to write contemporary Arabic. There are new characters in:
- Arabic
- Arabic Presentation Forms-A
- Arabic Presentation Forms-B
- Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
The letters change their forms depending on their position in a word using the OpenType features fina (Final Forms), init (Initial Forms), isol (Isolated Forms) and medi (Medial Forms). All of these forms are instructed to work with Arabic combining marks (using the mark feature).

Catrinity 1.15: Emoji (2022-03-20)
All face emoji have been remade for clearer appearance. Their size now matches ◯ U+25EF LARGE CIRCLE instead of capital height.

Also, many new emoji have been added in the following blocks:
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Emoticons
- Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs
- Symbols And Pictographs Extended-A
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: GMail Emoji Compatibility
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A: Pictographs Appendix

Catrinity 1.14: Pau Cin Hau and number forms (2022-02-12)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area
- Pau Cin Hau
- Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (monospace Latin letters)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A
In the Private Use Areas, there are additions in:
- Kodo Symbols
- Mathematical Symbols Appendix (Camp Duodecimal Digits, also renamed this block from “Mathematical Operators Appendix” as most of the symbols here aren’t actually operators)
- Kreative Compatibility (Pseudo-Greek letters for fake student associations)
- Number Forms Appendix (combining subscripts and thirds of enclosed numbers, used e.g. as Go markers)
- Enclosed Alphanumeric Appendix
Also added mark positioning for mathematical bold and monospace letters, and references to Fairfax HD (Kreative) in the PUA documentation.

Catrinity 1.13: Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (2021-12-25)
The following three blocks are now fully included:
- Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
- Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
- Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A

Catrinity 1.12: Playing cards (2021-12-04)
New characters in the Supplementary Private Use Area-A:
- Hanafuda (Flower Cards)
- Kabufuda
- Playing Cards Appendix (German, Latin and colored French suits)
Also finally replaced the lame teal Great Arkana with better, more colorful glyphs.

Catrinity 1.11: Vexillology, laundry and safety (2021-11-02)
New characters in:
- Private Use Area
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Transport And Map Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A
In the Private Use Areas, there are additions in:
- Various Symbols (Gonggong)
- Vexillological Symbols
- Laundry Symbols
- Safety Symbols
- Pictographs Appendix

Catrinity 1.10: Latin extensions (2021-10-06)
New characters in:
- Tagalog
- Currency Symbols
- Miscellaneous Symbols (color variants of playing card suits, as used in the English four-color deck and the German Skat tournament deck)
- Supplemental Punctuation
- Modifier Tone Marks (no contour ligatures yet though)
- Latin Extended-D
- Private Use Area
- Latin Extended-F
- Latin Extended-G
- Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs
- Emoticons (three monkeys)
- Geometric Shapes Extended (Heavy Equals Sign)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A
In the Private Use Areas, there are additions in:
- Phonetic Extensions Appendix
- Alphanumeric Supplement
- Latin Extended Appendix-A
- MUFI-CYFI Compatibility
- Latin Extended Appendix-B
- Geometric Shapes And Technical Symbols Appendix
- Pictographs Appendix (single tomoe)

Catrinity 1.9: Osage & Cyrillic numerals (2021-09-10)
New characters in:
- Cyrillic (composed numerals)
- Private Use Area (symbol for Orcus, Latin and Cyrillic letter variants)
- Osage
New OpenType features:
- ital (Italic)
- onum and tnum now also affect turned one, two and three
- Cherokee letters are now instructed to work with all common diacritical marks
Also many issues fixed (thanks for reporting them), and some character updates (see last line in the image).

Catrinity 1.8: Dingbats (2021-08-09)
New characters in:
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Dingbats
- Private Use Area
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
- Geometric Shapes Extended
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A
New OpenType features:
- case (Uppercase forms for many punctuation characters such as brackets)
- dtls (Dotless forms of all variants of i and j)
- locl (Localized forms for Latvian, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian and Vietnamese)
- salt (Stylistic alternates for a and g)
- New OpenType feature documentation at
Also corrected the Komi letters in the Cyrillic Supplement block to have horizontal bars that are missing in most sans-serif fonts, including Catrinity up to version 1.7.

Catrinity 1.7: Technical symbols (2021-07-01)
New characters in:
- Miscellaneous Technical
- Optical Character Recognition
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Dingbats (Multiplication X)
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
- Private Use Area
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
- Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A (Low Battery)
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A
Also a lot of bugfixes, especially long and duplicate glyph names that caused problems in several applications.

Catrinity 1.6: Astrology & fantasy (2021-06-02)
New characters (astrological symbols) in:
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
- Private Use Area: Various Symbols
Also, there are four new fantasy / sci-fi scripts in the Private Use Area:
- Tengwar
- Cirth
- Gargoyle
- Klingon

Catrinity 1.5: Ancient symbols & runes (2021-05-15)
New characters in:
- Ogham
- Ancient Greek Numbers
- Old Turkic
- Old Hungarian
- Ancient Greek Musical Notation

Catrinity 1.4: Philippine scripts & Yijing (2021-05-02)
New characters in:
- Tagalog
- Hanunoo
- Buhid
- Tagbanwa
- Miscellaneous Symbols (Yijing trigram symbols)
- Yijing Hexagram Symbols
- Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A (additional chess pieces and racing flags)

Catrinity 1.3: Maths & numbers (2021-03-22)
New characters in:
- Basic Latin (emoji variants of digits)
- Mathematical Operators (standardized variants)
- Enclosed Alphanumerics
- Dingbats
- Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
- Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
- Supplemental Mathematical Operators
- Private Use Area
- Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A

Catrinity 1.2: Semitic scripts (2021-02-21)
New characters in:
- Hebrew
- Alphabetic Presentation Forms (for Hebrew)
- Phoenician
- Old North Arabian
- Yezidi
- Elymaic
- New ligatures for screen 1 to 9

Catrinity 1.1: Marks & arrows (2021-02-11)
New characters in:
- Combining Diacritical Marks
- Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
- Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
- Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
- Arrows
- Miscellaneous Technical
- Dingbats
- Supplemental Arrows-A
- Supplemental Arrows-B
- Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
- Private Use Area
- Supplemental Arrows-C
- Supplementary Private Use Area-A

Catrinity 1.0 (2021-01-22)
Initial version with characters in Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B, IPA Extensions, Spacing Modifier Letters, Combining Diacritical Marks, Greek and Coptic, Cyrillic, Cyrillic Supplement, Armenian, Thai (Baht sign only), Georgian, Cherokee, Runic, Cyrillic Extended-C, Georgian Extended, Phonetic Extensions, Phonetic Extensions Supplement, Latin Extended Additional, Greek Extended, General Punctuation, Superscripts and Subscripts, Currency Symbols, Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols, Letterlike Symbols, Number Forms, Arrows, Mathematical Operators, Miscellaneous Technical, Control Pictures, Enclosed Alphanumerics, Box Drawing, Block Elements, Geometric Shapes, Miscellaneous Symbols, Dingbats, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, Braille Patterns, Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows, Latin Extended-C, Coptic, Georgian Supplement, Tifinagh, Cyrillic Extended-A, Supplemental Punctuation, Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (circled numbers only), Lisu, Cyrillic Extended-B, Latin Extended-D, Latin Extended-E, Cherokee Supplement, Private Use Area, Alphabetic Presentation Forms, Variation Selectors, Small Form Variants, Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, Specials, Ancient Symbols, Lycian, Carian, Old Italic, Gothic, Hatran, Lydian, Old South Arabian, Lisu Supplement, Counting Rod Numerals, Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, Mahjong Tiles, Domino Tiles, Playing Cards, Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement, Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs, Chess Symbols, Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A, Tags, Supplementary Private Use Area-A, Supplementary Private Use Area-B.